Ogun state goes green

ogun goes green grop pix (1)AVA´s Executive Secretary General, Olufemi J.P. Shobayo attending the inauguration On the 23th April 2013, as Ogun State goes green through the initiative (Uplifting the Environment).Hosting the workshop by Her Excellency Mrs Olufunso Amosun, the wife of the Governor of Ogun State, also in attendance were various dignitaries from various sectors of the Ogun State, in Particular the Governor of Ogun State Senator Ibikunle Amosun, declaring the conference Open.

Also in attendance was Prince Dr. Lanre Tejuoso, Honourable Commissioner for Environment, Alojz Peterle Member European Parliament, Mrs. Uche Ekwunife the Chairman House of Representative Committee on Environment.
As Africa faces serious development challenges like issues of energy, transport, waste management, climate change, deforestation, soil degradation and decline of biodiversity. The formable response to these challenges is Going Green.
A healthy balance between private and public sectors represents a crucial challenge for both national and regional economics in times of bullish economic growth and particularly in times of global economic crisis.

However the potential and challenges of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) will be fully explored. Nevertheless we are faced with questions of which are the best possible contributions of government policies and NGO activities to the creation of the conditions necessary for green growth? What are the most effective instruments of awareness building on environmental issues and green growth? What kind of regulatory environment should be created to encourage domestic and foreign investors to be involved in green projects, and to use PPP as model for partnership?

Speaking at the conference was Dr. Patrick Kormawa, presenting a paper Strategies of regional and international entities to foster and support going green related PPP, Joint ventures and FDIs. The Role of business Community in developing Going Green Economies, as he spoke on Global crisis like Food, Fuel and Financial, then demographics and Global climate change as in more conscious about environmental footprint and working towards environmental development. Quoting Bloomberg, new energy investment in renewable energy would drop 20 percent by 2030.He related the concept between development, environment and energy, stating 1.3 billion people have no access to electricity due to poor supply quality. Global Environmental faculty (PPP) finances projects focuses on biodiversity, climate change, international waters, and land degradation. Another approach through the UN is SE4ALL project which as the objectives to be achieved by 2030 like ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling share of renewable energy and improvement in energy efficiency about 50 billion dollars is committed to this project by UN.

Implementation agreements provide for direct contractual obligations and undertakings between the Government and the supplier or project company: the government is not usually a party to the power purchase agreement.
Energy is a broad sector that holds two important yet very different industries: the oil and gas sector, and the power sector. This site focuses in public-private partnerships that take place in the power sector.

A PPP is a way for a government to provide a service in an efficient way in which the private sector takes the risk of the operation in exchange of different benefits. PPPs in the energy sector come in different shapes, sizes and structures. The methodology used varies, depending on the place, the government and the specifics of the operation; therefore each one is tailored to the needs and circumstances given at the time when the partnership is created.

This section deals with energy PPP projects and power sector reform, legislation and regulation, and independent power projects (IPPs). Navigate the following subsections for more information and sample laws, licenses and agreements.

The installation of a power plant often requires inputs from the government in the form of assistance in obtaining required consents, undertaking to ensure that the utility performs its obligations (sometimes in the form of a guarantee) where there is a concern on the part of the supplier that the utility might not or may not have the financial standing to fulfill its obligations. The implementation will also typically include undertakings from the government on export and import duties and taxation of the supplier.

The implementation agreement will typically also include undertakings by the supplier to the government regarding, for example, compliance with environmental laws, dumping of fuel in the domestic fuel markets, etc. UNIDO green industry (GII)
In Nigeria is planned to establish NCPC which will provide industrial energy and support ISO certification. Provide technical assistance to enterprise from various industrial sectors. Strategies for SMEs mainstream use of RE in SMEs to increase competitiveness and reduce dependence like in Ogun state to use the Oyo dam in conjunction with the PPP to facilitate the production of Power.
Creating business developments opportunities through increasing access via RE technologies, supporting innovative business models And UNIDO focus on promotion of Power.

Another international supporter is AFCB partnering with GEF.
EU PPP in green s 2009 to 2012 is factories of the future PPP initiative to promote competitiveness and sustainability.
In Nigeria, the World Bank PPP to increase private investment in PPP infrastructure market/ sector 20111 to 2017 implemented by Federal Ministry of Finance like in the Financing of renewable energy projects –classic PPP structure, Legislation/regulation/policy, Planning: environmental aspects, Communication/infrastructure.

Concluding he said investment in RE technologies is a must e.g. solar panels, biomass and cook stoves and small hydro power, getting partnership with technology owners, import , support research and explore local production and support SMEs to adopt green technologies-PPP. Enactments of long term policies ad strategies to promote PPP investments in green projects. Focusing energy use efficiency in home and industry like in biomass stoves, Waste to wealth projects, Setting targets, support and monitor progress.

ogun green conf (1)Speaking as a consultant, presented a paper on. Looking from the Private sector and public sector, PPP is a joint venture Co-investment, concession subsidy, project fee and concession fee. What motivates the private sector, one is profit and the other is maintain a job and the benefits will be doing their best to stay in business and getting specialized and in regards to covering needs matching and mismatching.
In green practice, like in Waste management, energy as in Eco and nationally. What is expected from private side in Going green development and adoption, marketing part, conglomerate of different solutions?

In looking at mistakes manifested in Europe as case study are lack of control, occurrence of monopoly and politics instead of profession.
Private sector will go as far as allowed as not to lose control and not take advantage. It’s all about (sustainable) choices, people make choices all day, every day, and planned energy consumption systems should be planned.
Talking about usage of PPPs in Africa Institutional Environment for PPPs and usage of PPPs in the world with reference to Africa and , a paper presented by Mr. Jernej Pintar of CEED Network for Slovenia. Initial a slow growth occurred from 1984 to 1991 but the Growth of PPPs growing rapidly from 1984 to 2008 after 2008 a registered decrease was noticed.

In Africa between 200 to 250 project up to 2012 worth 50 billion dollars, the biggest sector of PPP project was in electricity was about 40%, followed closely by ports then the railroad as witnessed particularly in South Africa.
Countries with most used PPPs are the Uk, followed closely by Costa Rica then Ireland noted per habitat but in regards to investment Laos topped the list.

Government effectiveness increased the amount of PPPs noticed. Factors affecting the growth of PPPs are government effectiveness, rule of law and strong property rights, high economic freedom, strong regulation of competition, high credit rating of a county and ease of doing business and experience in expertise. Concluding PPPs help for going green like for green projects, development as indirectly going green as in uplifting the society and standard for example local projects with local partners( local jobs, local business and capacity building)


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